

Redeem Marriage Seminar Resources

Posted by Brett Toney on

This past November, we hosted Pastor Robert & Karen Cheong for a weekend seminar titled "Redeem Marriage." It was a fruitful and practical discussion of how the gospel shapes and changes how we relate to our spouses. If you weren't able to join us for the seminar or want to review what the...

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Tags: marriage, redemption, seminar, cheong

Christ, Not Kids, at the Center

Posted by Brett Toney on

The audio from the session of the marriage seminar, "Christ, Not Kids, at the Center" is now available. Mike & Susan Hanafee shared about how even in the throes of parenting, Christ must remain the central, orienting figure in your marriage. In the first two sessions of the seminar, Mike...

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Tags: marriage, parenting

Members' Meeting Recap


Posted by Brett Toney on

Last night’s Members’ Meeting was an encouraging time, and I wanted to write a quick update for those unable to attend. Perhaps the best part of the evening was seeing Kyo Oh ordained to serve as an elder. For a number of years now Kyo has been serving as an elder “ex...

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Tags: budget, elders, marriage, membership, thanksgiving, updates

Marriage Amendment


Posted by Brett Toney on

At the November 2015 Members’ Meeting, the elders will recommend that the congregation approve amendments to our constitution and bylaws and a statement on marriage and sexuality. These amendments and statement are based on recommendations from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission...

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Tags: constitution, marriage, supreme court

Wash Her With the WORD

Posted by Brett Toney on

Husbands are called to imitate Jesus in relating to their wives (Ephesians 5:25). We are to provide and protect our wives physically and spiritually. One way in particular that is done is by “the washing of water with the word” (v.26)—bathing your wife in the Word of God. Pray...

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Tags: bible study, marriage, women's bible study