
Connect the Nations

You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. - Leviticus 19:34 (ESV)

I was a stranger and you welcomed me... - Matthew 25:35b (ESV)

In prior centuries, taking the gospel to the nations often required a long and perilous voyage to a dangerous and unfamiliar land. Today, while such cross-cultural missionary efforts are still needed, God is also bringing the nations to us! With Oakland University right across the street, Five Points is ideally situated to reach out to the many international students sojourning in our area, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Enter Connect the Nations!

Connect the Nations is an independent ministry that exists to care for those who have come to our community from countries around the world by facilitating connections between international friends and local individuals or families. From acting as a conversation partner for practicing English, to hosting a family in your home for a meal, to giving a ride to the airport, to helping with a special event, there are nearly endless ways you can begin new friendships and seek to show the love of Christ to those God has sovereignly brought to our area!

If you are interested in making an international friend (or several!) through Connect the Nations, please complete the form below to submit your interest. For more information about Connect the Nations and the work they are doing to serve the sojourners in our area, click here to visit their website.

Make An International Friend