Prayer and Fasting

We have called for a day of fasting and prayer as our fall ministries kick off and as we continue to seek the Lord for His provision of all we need to complete the Planting Joy campaign.
Jesus said in Matthew 9.15: "The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast." Jesus makes the assumption that while His followers await His return, they would have regular periods of fasting as they anticipated His coming again. John Piper says, "Fasting is a physical exclamation point at the end of the sentences: 'I need you! I want you! I long for you! You are my treasure! I want more of you! Oh, for the day when you would return! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!' The heart of it is longing. We are putting our stomach where our heart is to give added intensity and expressiveness to our ache for Jesus."
So we do not call a fast to get something in return for our fasting. We do not fast to compel God to do what we ask. We do not fast to change God's mind about the matters we're praying about. We fast to see God change us. We want to desire Him more, His kingdom more, His will more than the every day things of life.
So today, would you join us in fasting and prayer? If you are unable to fast all day from food, join us in a partial fast. If food is not an fasting option for you, please consider fasting from something that is a normal part of your day in order to set that aside to seek God, to spend time with Him in His word, and to pray that He would pour out His Spirit and grace upon His people at Five Points this fall.
Here are a few resources for further study of the disciplines of fasting and prayer:
Why Do Christians Fast? by John Piper
Fasting for Beginners by David Mathis (Desiring God)
Fasting 101 by Joe Keller (Biblical Counseling Coalition)
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