Introducing Rooted

And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.
Judges 2.10
One of the most sobering passages of the Old Testament is Judges 2.6-15. After God amazingly redeemed His people from Egypt, there came another generation that did not know Him or any of the mighty, miraculous wonders He performed. A possibility exists that, in spite of vibrant faith and the hand of God at work in one generation, their children can know nothing of Him or of His works! While parents have the primary responsibility for the discipleship of their children, the charge to raise up the next generation is not theirs alone. The entire people of God bear that responsibility because together we are the household of God, the family of God, and members of the same body. Whether or not the children of Five Points are our biological children, they are all ours in this sense. Psalm 78 makes this clear: we’re all to tell the next generation the glorious deeds of the Lord and the wonders He has done (v4); we’re to teach them the commands of the Lord so that they will set their hope in God and not forget Him (vs5-7). It was the failure of all the people, not just parents, when the next generation grew up not knowing God. This is particularly serious because Jesus defines salvation at the most fundamental level not in terms of the forgiveness of sin or our eternal dwelling place, but as knowing God. Listen to John 17.3: “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”
While there are practical reasons to have a children’s ministry, we have one because we desire to see children discipled. Towards the end of continuing to cast that vision, we are giving our children’s ministry a name: Rooted. The name is drawn from Colossians 2:7, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” We pray that God would use the years children spend in this ministry to grow their roots deep into Jesus Christ through the means of the Word, the Spirit, and prayer, and enable us to do everything in our power to ensure it could never be said that the generation following us does not know the Lord. Instead, we want to see them grow up to be like the deep-rooted tree in Psalm 1:3. When they go through seasons of storm or drought, they do not wither, but rather bear much fruit because their roots are so deeply connected to Jesus. This goes well with our vision for student discipleship as well. You cannot be
Resolved: unless you are Rooted! The new logo has been designed to communicate that image. Though the plant is small, the root system is growing larger and going deeper.
Our prayer for the children who pass through our doors on Sundays and Wednesdays is that they would come to know God and be taught His Word and His wonderful works so their hope becomes set in Him alone. We ask you to pray with us that God would accomplish this vision for His glory. If you are not already involved in Rooted, we not only need your prayers, but we ask you to join us on Sundays and Wednesdays to help us disciple the next generation. We’re not just watching children, but fighting for their eternity - for them to know God and Jesus Christ whom He sent. Would you partner with us in this mission?
Finally, to make gathering together during the week more accessible, beginning Wednesday, September 4, our Wednesday evening ministries will have a new start time of 6:30pm. We hope this will allow parents with young children to get their little ones home earlier and make it easier for them to attend our class on disciple-making parenting. The new start time will also allow us to eat dinner together as a church family on Wednesdays at 6pm. The 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month will be a sign-up dinner hosted by the church, while the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays will be a ‘bring your own dinner’ night. We pray these times will grow us closer together in unity and fellowship in the gospel and offer ample discipleship opportunities for all ages.
We praise God for all He continues to do in us and through us for His glory, and we look forward to being further rooted, built up, and established in the faith together in the year ahead.
Soli Deo Gloria,
JJ Sherwood
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