Five Points 75th Anniversary

On a tiny piece of Oakland County farmland, five dirt roads met. It was here in February 1940 where God gathered a little platoon of people purchased by the blood of His Son to be His witnesses. Before the world began, their names were graven on His hands by sovereign grace. William Barnett, a local farmer, gathered twenty-two people in his home to worship Christ in humble simplicity. The Word of God was central, the Savior was exalted, the hymns of Zion were sung, and the gospel was the article upon which the church would stand. Then in 1941 Five Points Community Church was founded. That’s how one of the faithful pastors God has given to Five Points over the course of it's history once described our heritage, and we praise God for over seventy-five years of abundant grace poured out on us.
Five Points Community Church was established on the gospel of God’s glorious grace. By His grace and for His glory, we will continue proclaiming the Word as we live to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded. We know we are not alone in our mission, as He has promised to be with us wherever He sends us. Not only that, we know the success of the mission is not because of any good in us or any good we are able to accomplish. We ask for the grace to be faithful to the gospel and trust in His sovereign power and grace to build His church as He has promised He will.
As we look expectantly to God for His blessing and grace for the next seventy-five years, we invite you to join us in celebrating the past seventy-five years. Please join us in giving thanks to God for his decades of faithfulness to Five Points on Sunday, July 24, at 4pm. We will enjoy dinner together, and there will be a brief presentation at 6pm.
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