Capital Fundraising Strategy

As we embarked on our new capital campaign, we did so with the mindset of not putting all of the
1. $1,000,000 from our members and regular attendees.
As you know, we were blessed with $400,000 in matching funds. To date, we have approximately $325,000 pledged toward this match with several families and individuals who have yet to turn in their pledges. We hope that very soon we will be at 100% participation. Remember, we do not care how much you give; that is between you and the Lord. We just pray that if you call Five Points home, that you will pledge at some level.
Please continue to encourage family and friends so that we can take full advantage of this incredible opportunity to double these matching funds. We have also just started our mail campaign to those who have yet to pledge and those who are supportive of our mission but who have moved away, for example.
2. $1,700,000 from foundations.
We have recently engaged a company called Just Write Solutions who is assisting us to identify the various like-minded foundations for us to reach out to. After their initial research, they have identified 45 foundations who we will be writing grant requests to over the course of the next several weeks. This is very encouraging and we ask for your prayers as we explore this new road.
3. $1,000,000 from like-minded individuals who are not a part of our church family.
We are currently seeking meetings with like-minded individuals who may have an interest in coming alongside our church during this campaign. These are individuals who could write $25,000, $50,000 or even $100,000 gifts to support our cause. If you know of individuals like this, please let us know so that we can strategize the best way to seek a meeting and tell them about our mission.
We truly believe that God will provide all we need while not losing any focus on Him. Again, thank you for your prayers and thank you for your support.
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