
Building Campaign Update 2024




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God continues to provide!

Just about one year ago, we launched our capital campaign for the new sanctuary and by God's grace, we have been overwhelmed by His stories of grace. God's people have stepped up in remarkable and sacrificial ways. We are pleased to report that we are at 100% participation from our church family! And, to date, together we have raised or pledged over $3,500,000! The sanctuary is well under construction and the target completion is April of 2025. 

Construction by itself will cost approximately $4,000,000. When you include things like furniture, fixtures, equipment, audio/visual and other non-construction costs, the total budget comes to about $4,500,000. Therefore, we are about $1,000,000 short of a completely debt free new sanctuary. 

By God's grace and for His glory, we have just been granted an anonymous new $500,000 matching gift to help us reach our goal. Every dollar given or pledged over 2 years will be matched dollar for dollar up to $500,000! 

So, if you gave a one-time gift toward the new sanctuary, would you consider giving again? If you pledged a recurring gift over 3 years, would you consider extending it another 2 years? We want to take full advantage of this new matching gift. 

Please use the new Sanctuary Matching Grant Pledge form which will be sent to our Financial Secretary, Fred Reichert at  (he is the only person who sees your gift/pledge).


Our Passion for Christ, our History

Five Points Community Church has been a gospel proclaiming community at the corner of Walton and Squirrel for over 84 years. We aim to have a facility where the coming generations, our neighbors, and the nations hear the message that Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, is Lord and Savior! We pray this building will be used by God to build His Church as people hear the gospel and hope in Christ alone. 





The design and construction of our new sanctuary is much better suited for our mission of corporate worship together and serving our community, especially providing safer access to our guests who join us in worship. A dedicated sanctuary will more readily foster undistracted worship of the Lord Jesus Christ and allow us to pursue ministry opportunities presently hindered by meeting in a gymnasium.


Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. - Psalm 90:1


As one who shares our vision of God and a love for His glory to be communicated throughout the world, we are asking you to join us in this faith-filled venture.

Pray that God would accomplish His mission through our engagement in His redemptive purposes.

Pray that He would continue to provide all that we need for this building project while keeping our focus on the grander purposes of gospel ministry.

Pray that He would be shown to be our greatest treasure as we selfessly and joyfully give to the advance of the gospel from this corner.

Pray that His will be done and that our sole focus remains on His glory alone. 



We invite you to give. We desire your sacrificial participation at any amount. We are seeking to have as many people as possible join us so we can double our giving with this matching grant, rejoicing in what we trust the Lord will do through this final campaign. We have met our goal of 100% participation from our Five Points family and are asking you to GIVE...give generously...give sacrificially...give outside of your normal giving. 


We are grateful for your partnership in pursuing this mission with us for the glory and praise of God.


If you have any questions about the building campaign, please contact Mike Martoia or Tony Antone.