Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas

As we enter into the holiday season together, I want to invite you to prepare your hearts so that you won't miss out on the unique window into God's heart that Christmas provides. If we ready ourselves, then we can expect the hope and glory of God with us to have some wonderful effects in our hearts and souls!
Towards that end, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st, we'll begin a 4-week Advent series entitled, "God with Us". Our Wednesday evening Bible study and Prayer gatherings (Dec. 4, 11, and 18), along with Rooted and Resolved:, will have various Advent themes as well. We pray these gatherings will be used by the Lord to richly bless us during this Christmas season!
And then in your homes, you may already have Advent traditions in place, but for those interested in some guidance, here are a couple of recommended free Advent resources:
- Gospel in Life
- Getty Kids Advent
- Additionally for parents, your children will be going on a 10-part Advent journey during the upcoming Rooted gatherings, so you can also be looking forward to that as another resource option to use for your Advent family time.
Setting aside a few minutes each day of the Advent season to let Scripture guide you into the wonder of Christmas can be very enriching! So as we turn our thoughts Godward this Christmas season, may the Lord grow our faith, deepen our affections, and cause us to worship anew the Mighty One who has done great things for us.
O Come, let us adore Him!
Pastor Mike
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